Greetings fellow Mouse Fans!
So what happens when you are having a less than magical moment? Maybe a cast member is having a bad day. Maybe the line for Big Thunder Mountain is too long. Maybe another guest "cuts" in line, whether knowingly or unknowingly. The most important thing is to not let it spoil your enjoyment!
Not to go too Pollyanna on you but attitude really is everything. Remember the "Big Cheesy Mickey Grin" I mentioned in an earlier blog? This is exactly when you want to employ it. Research shows the act of smiling actually improves your mood by activating chemicals in your brain that make you happy. So start there!
Then decide if there is a solution to be found. Sometimes the surliest server can be turned around by being shown a little bit of kindness. Line too long at your favorite attraction? Grab a FASTPASS and plan to come back later. Someone cuts in line? I recommend taking a breath and letting this one go unless you feel calm enough to politely explain that the line starts "back there." Some things are just not worth it!
Tomorrow: Choose Your Attitude!
Be well and make magic wherever you go!
Sara Varney
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