Greetings fellow Mouse Fans!
The "Most Wonderful Time of the Year" Staples commercial is on a continuous loop in our area which means kids are headed back to school! My son will be in Kindergarten this year which, to my mind, qualifies as "real" school. And with real school comes the age old debate – do I take my son out of school for our family trips to Walt Disney World? (Or anywhere else for that matter?)
This is the issue I will be exploring this week. Let me be clear – this is a very personal choice and there is NO right or wrong answer. My decision may not be your decision and that’s ok! But there are a number of factors that go into this decision and each family gives each issue different weight.
I want to hear what you think! Chime in with your thoughts in the comments below.
Be well and make magic wherever you go!
Sara Varney
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